Pastor Message
As you spend time with us, I hope that you will find that we care a lot about people. We learned that from Jesus, who, no matter the size of the crowd, always found time for individuals and their needs. We also have a deep passion and care for the lost, those who don’t know Jesus, the poor, the helpless and the hurting. We learned that from Jesus, too.
It is our mission to provide community through Jesus, to reach the lost, to disciple the saved, and to serve all people.
As you explore the various links of our site you will discover that St. Matthew is a ministry filled with opportunities for learning, growing in faith and Christian service. We are a gathering of God’s people dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with our community and beyond.
Thank you for taking time to visit our site and please come back often to see what is new in ministry here. We invite you to come visit us for worship on Sunday mornings or for one of our special ministry events. We would love to have you as our guests.
Since we tend to pray a lot in our congregation we offer a prayer for you as you visit us on the web: For whatever you’re looking to find, may our website and its content help you to draw closer to Jesus Christ and the relationship he is dying to have with you! Amen!
Pastor Michael Schumacher